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Want To Drop Your Post Baby Weight! Here’s How

Losing weight at any stage in life is not an easy task, let alone losing it when you have a demanding newborn baby in tow!

Many women will lose at least half of their baby weight at least 6 weeks post partum, however you may still be carrying excess weight on your body compared to pre pregnancy.

Its important to remember that you cannot even  think about fat loss until you are at least 6 weeks post partum, and even then the process needs to be slow and gradual.

Im going to list a number of tips below that you should focus on, before looking at cutting calories.

Don’t skip meals, if you aren’t fuelling your body with enough energy you will burn out, and it won’t help you to lose weight. Energy as a new mum is so so important, and staying on top of your health and immune system is essential.
Aim to eat little and often of you struggle with time, and have a suppressed appetite.

Try to build meals containing good, wholesome nutrition.. include foods high in protein and fibre, so that you stay fuller for longer, and more satisfied… if you’re constantly hungry you will constantly snack due to it being more convenient, and they will be the wrong foods, usually high sugar, quick fixes.
These fast energy release foods won’t provide your body with the proper nutrition it needs.

Include foods high in nutrients, vitamins and minerals, these foods are usually your fruit and vegetables, and these foods will support your immune system, and are naturally high in fibre. Go as fresh as you can.

Keep a water bottle handy and nearby where the baby feeds, use this as a cue to guzzle some water too. Hydration is key to energy levels, concentration and your body functioning as it should do.

Limit fizzy drinks, artificial sugars and processed foods… they are full of crap and your body will thank you for eating more natural, wholesome foods.

Aim to get as much good quality sleep as you can, understandably with a new baby this is hard, with their feeding times, and waking times, and other obstacles you and they face, but rest and recovery when you can get it is vital… and needed for your sanity!!

Alcohol is something you should limit, naturally it intoxicates the body and will affect dietary choices, sleep, and the bodies electrolytes and hydration. A hangover, and a new baby isn’t a good mix..

and will definitely not help you to lose body fat!!

Try to focus on these fundamentals before you massively ‘cut the calories’ through tracking.. otherwise, you risk compromising your health and wellness, with fat loss.

For enquires into post partum nutrition, contact me on the ‘get in touch’ feature.

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