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7 Reasons Why You Overeat

Let’s be honest here, if you are not losing weight, then you are in a surplus of calories and whether you are aware or not, you are simply over eating.

Even those of you ‘who don’t eat that much’ – I’m sorry to disappoint, but you’re still overeating too.

The real reasons why you are eating more than you intend might be things you are completely unaware of that you are doing, and they might be relatively easy to fix.

1. Don’t try to follow a restrictive, boring, limited diet… account for the foods you enjoy, and have a degree of flexibility. It will help you to adhere to sticking to your ‘diet’ better

2. Try to plan and prepare your meals in advance, focus on a few healthy core ingredients and build your meal around them. Keep it simple

3. Eat mindfully – overeating can happen when your busy and/or distracted with other things. Try not to nibble on things whilst you’re cooking, do no finish your kids uneaten dinners, and beware of snacking over your day.

4. Slow down!!! Eat at a leisurely pace, ACTUALLY chew your food and allow it to digest. I know this sounds like a ridiculous statement to make, but you’d be surprised.. ramming your food down, will mean you haven’t enjoyed it, and therefore don’t feel satisfied with it.


5. Listen to your body, and your bodies cravings. Don’t allow yourself to get so hungry, and go so long without food that you then end up ‘binging’ to curb the hunger.

6. Be mindful that low fat options may shave off a few calories, however they are usually substituted with salt and sugar to compensate, and will make you want to eat more.

7. Limit artificial sweeteners, they will contain hidden calories and will likely be consumed in excess.



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